Colorful gradient with text that says WeVideo Certified Creator Course.

WeVideo Certified Trainer Course

Course Overview

Welcome to the WeVideo Certified Trainer Course. This course focuses on developing your skills around training others to use WeVideo. This includes both facilitating live trainings as well as creating digital media to help others learn how to leverage WeVideo's tools.

To complete this course and gain certification, work through the lessons below and complete the assignment at the end of the course. It will take about 2-3 hours to complete this course. This includes time to create and implement a training. 

Creating and Facilitating a Live Training

One of the ways you can earn the certification for this course is by submitting evidence of a WeVideo training you lead. If you're going to facilitate a live training, you'll want to think about what the most important learning outcomes are for workshop participants. 

Some key learning outcomes we prioritize in our workshops include: 

  1. How to edit a video with WeVideo
  2. How to leverage the Assignment Ideas Library
  3. How to use classroom tools in WeVideo

Below, you'll find a slide deck we created for you modeled after our workshop "Intro to Multimedia Creation in the Classroom with WeVideo," which covers these same learning objectives. Feel free to make a copy, modify as needed, and use these slides for trainings you lead.  

As you plan your workshop, you'll also want to think about how to structure the presentation. We like to use the following design principles, which draw on Malcolm Knowles' work on adult learning theory. You may want to take a minute to familiarize yourself with this work if you're not already. The slides above draw on this theory by leveraging the following structure: 

We start this workshop by establishing our "why" behind media projects. In other words, what are the benefits of multimedia creation in the classroom? To accomplish this in our intro workshop, we preview a piece of student media and ask workshop participants to discuss the impact of media projects on teaching and learning.

Next, we teach the skills aligned to one of the learning outcomes above and provide workshop participants time to practice by creating something, so they can learn by doing. This might include editing a video, saving assignments from the Assignment Ideas Library, or creating an assignment.

We also like to include time for people in our workshops to share their work with each other, whether that's a video they edit or a project they design. This is a great opportunity to celebrate their work and enable workshop participants to learn from each other.

Finally, we like to build in time for teachers to reflect and plan how they will use what they learned during the workshop in their classroom. 

Creating Digital Training Resources

Another way you can earn the certification for this course is by submitting a digital resource you create to help others leverage WeVideo. If you're going to create a digital resource, such as a tutorial video, it's helpful to keep in mind some tips for creating quality content. The three videos below will give you the tools you need to create instructional videos. The first video covers five tips for creating tutorial videos for YouTube. The second video covers how to use the screen, webcam, and voice recording tools in WeVideo. The third video covers how to use the transform and animation tools in WeVideo, which you can use to add movement to your videos and change perspective. This helps keep your audience engaged, while also drawing their attention to the parts of the screen you want them to focus on. 

Key Resources for Trainers

As a WeVideo trainer, you'll want to have access to key resources in order to stay up to speed with product advancements. You'll also want resources to share with workshop participants to extend their learning and get the most out of WeVideo. Below is a collection of resources to help with that. 

  • WeVideo Academy: A collection of tutorial videos covering the features available across WeVideo's products.
  • WeVideo Certification Courses: A collection of courses for learning WeVideo and earning badges & certificates of professional learning. 
  • Monthly Creative Challenges: Activities that teachers can implement in their classroom to facilitate creativity, plus earn a chance to win prizes. 
  • Assignment Ideas Library: A collection of multimedia projects and activities to help amplify creativity and student voice in the classroom.
  • Webinars: Weekly webinar series with educators sharing how they use WeVideo in the classroom. 
  • What's New in WeVideo: Our running list of feature updates and improvements, updated monthly.
  • Help Center: Support articles to help with troubleshooting WeVideo features and workflows.
  • Need technical support? Email WeVideo's customer support team for assistance! 


Congratulations, you have completed the content for this course. To earn a badge certifying you as a WeVideo Certified Trainer, complete the following assignment. 


Facilitate a live training or create a digital resource that you share with an audience. The live training or digital resources should teach your audience how to use WeVideo in a user-friendly way. Then, submit the following three items required for earning this badge: 

  • An artifact you create, such as slides you use for the training or a tutorial video. You may submit the "train the trainer" slides we provided above as long as you have followed the instructions on Slide 1.
  • Evidence that your artifact was shared with an audience, such as a picture of you leading the workshop or a link to the video on YouTube or social media. 
  • A brief reflection on your process (see google form for more information.


Use the google form below to submit your artifacts. We will get back to you within two weeks of your submission with either your badge or suggestions on how to improve.


We encourage you to celebrate your success and connect with the broader WeVideo community by sharing your badge on social media with the hashtag #WeVideoCreative and tag @WeVideo.

WeVideo Ambassador Program:

Educators who complete all three certification courses and earn the three associated badges (Certified Creator, Educator, and Trainer) are eligible to apply to become a WeVideo Ambassador. If you're interested in becoming an ambassador, please indicate this on the submission form and we will follow up with more information.